High blood pressure is among the most common conditions in the United States today. However, the side effects of the antibiotics taken to treat it are often overlooked. Diuretics and Beta Blockers (especially the older generation medications) are known for decreasing the blood flow, which as a result makes achieving an erection difficult. Another aspect of Diuretics is that they strip the body of Zinc. This is important to note because Zinc is necessary to make testosterone – the sex hormone in men. To avoid sexual problems due to these medications, carefully read and take the medications exactly as prescribed by the doctor. If the problem persists, it may be best to return and consult with your doctor as not all medications will work for each patient.

Often times patients are unaware that they have high blood pressure, as the signs are very small and hard to catch without a proper blood examination. However, the impact on sexual satisfaction may be clear as water. Hypertension can often cause atherosclerosis: a hardening and narrowing of the arteries, as well as damage to the lining of blood vessels. This ultimately means a decrease in the amount of blood able to flow to the penis, thus limiting the ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

Though this may all seem frightening, it is quite common. A study focusing on men with high blood pressure found that 68% of them had some degree of erectile dysfunction. The study published in Journal of Urology also found that for 45% of the group, it was severe.

Hypertension not only impacts the blood flow, but it can also take a toll on ejaculation and reduce sexual desire for both partners. Treatments for high blood pressure and sexual satisfaction can have an inverse relationship, so speaking to a doctor is necessary for an improvement in your sex and day to day life alike.

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