Not only can smoking be a factor, it is one of the biggest threats that can affect a patient facing erectile dysfunction.

In fact, if you are a male smoker and are younger than 40 years old, you have a significantly higher chance of getting ED compared to other males in the same age range. Maintaining an erection requires a healthy and regulated blood flow to the penis. Without this, it is challenging to remain erect during sexual activities. However, the nicotine in cigarettes can play an adverse role to this blood supply. Nicotine causes blood vessels to contract, thus disrupting the blood flow to the area and causing a decrease in penis size as well. It has also been proven that the longer you have smoked, the more challenging it becomes to correctly treat a case of erectile dysfunction. Another negative aspect tied to smoking has to do with something that is frequently looked over when contemplating ED – sperm. Being a smoker significantly increases the damage to your sperm, which as we know, will be a tremendous problem when thinking about reproducing and many other large life decisions. In June of 2016 a study comparing smokers and non-smokers showed that those who smoked had inflammation in their testes and accessory glands, however the non-smokers showed healthy results after being tested in the same areas. There seems to have been a significant difference between the sperm of the non-smokers and the smokers. As a result, the effects of smoking seem to be nothing but negative. Smoking not only deteriorates your lungs and stinks up your clothes, but it also prevents males from having a healthy sex life. Luckily, it is something that can be fixed. Erectile dysfunction is a reality for many, but it does not mean it is permanent. If you are a smoker feeling symptoms of ED, put the pack down and contact your doctor. Solutions await!

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