Yes, Lack of Sleep can be a Factor

Yes, Lack of Sleep can be a Factor

Lack of sleep not only affects your ability to focus at work, but it can also affect your health on many levels. Increased stress at work, lack of exercise, bad dieting and even technology can be factors that lead to sleep disorders. Fatigue, depression, memory...

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Yes, Smoking Can Also Be a Factor

Yes, Smoking Can Also Be a Factor

Not only can smoking be a factor, it is one of the biggest threats that can affect a patient facing erectile dysfunction. In fact, if you are a male smoker and are younger than 40 years old, you have a significantly higher chance of getting ED compared...

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Yes, spinal cord injuries can also be a factor

Yes, spinal cord injuries can also be a factor

According to the Foundation For Spinal Cord Injury, Prevention, Care & Cure, there are approximately 259,000 people in the United States living with spinal cord injuries. Although experiencing a spinal cord injury affects many normal bodily functions, it often...

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Yes, hypertension can also be a factor

Yes, hypertension can also be a factor

High blood pressure is among the most common conditions in the United States today. However, the side effects of the antibiotics taken to treat it are often overlooked. Diuretics and Beta Blockers (especially the older generation medications) are known for decreasing...

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Yes, diabetes can also be a factor

Yes, diabetes can also be a factor

Many may not realize this, but having Diabetes can also affect safe and functioning erections. It is actually quite common for men who are diabetic to suffer from erectile dysfunction as well. In fact, men with diabetes have proven to face erectile dysfunction ten to...

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Yes, stress can also be a factor

Yes, stress can also be a factor

Studies show that symptoms of stress can affect the body, your attention, passion, and your performance. The ability to notice typical stress symptoms can give you an early start in controlling them. Unmanageable stress can contribute to many health issues, such as...

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Yes, what you eat can also be a factor

Yes, what you eat can also be a factor

A poor diet can not only affect a man’s heart condition, but it can also affect his ability to have healthy erections. Research has shown that the same eating habits that can cause heart conditions due to limited blood flow in the coronary arteries, can also interfere...

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